Source Code

All Your Snakes Are Belong To Us

All Your Snakes Are Belong To Us is created using the same video game animation as used in All Your Base Are Belong To Us. The video can be found on the website of the same name, and is unique in that it alters the dialogue found in the 'All Your Base Are Belong To Us' and uses different images containing the 'all your snakes are belong to us' phrase.

All your snakes are belong to us can also be use as a victorious battle cry after having achieved something.

Inspired by the badass movie "Snakes on a Plane", starring the Number 1 badass himself, Samuel L. Jackson.

Guy 1: Dude we totally owned you Guy 3!
Guy 2: Yeah, all your snakes are belong to us, for sure!
Guy 3: You guys suck... :(


(after walking out of Snakes on a Plane)
Guy 1: This movie owns your life Guy 3!
Guy 2: All your snakes are belong to Samuel Jackson.
Guy 3: Leave me alone! ;'(

by Inflicted August 20, 2006

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