bopportunity: A chance to clonk someone's noggin.
copportunity: An occasion when you can dial 9-1-1.
fopportunity: An area or event where you can dress up excessively or outlandishly.
GOPportunity: A time when you can openly flaunt your Republican viewpoints.
hopportunity: A safe/acceptable location to do jumping-jacks and leapfrogging.
lopportunity: When you notice that your ornamentals are getting too bushy and/or scraggly.
mopportunity: A chance to try out your new Swiffer.
popportunity: When you come across a discarded sheet of bubble-wrap.
sopportunity: An occasion where you can either easily/inexpensively appease someone, or absorb a liquid with a sponge.
topportunity: A chance to "do somebody one better" in a contest or impromptu session of friendly verbal sparring.
wopportunity: A time when you can make derogatory remarks about Italians.
Alphabetical opportunities may be fun to think about, but most of them seem largely pointless to perform in real life.