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amass these souls

Used to be an amazing local Windsor band, but fell apart after firing original bassist and guitarist. The lead singer fired them for not being christian enough...

Bob- Man did u see Amass these souls at the show last night?

Jesus- are you kidding me they're to Christian for me, if i wanted to hear that shit id go to church

Bob- yea they got pretty gay, they are nothing without Colin and Russia....last show i go to.

by Zeus-mo-fukka August 5, 2009

24👍 7👎

amass these souls

kick-ass local band from windsor, ontario.

BOB: dude, did you see amass these souls at the show?
JOE: yes! they're pretty kick-ass.
BOB: yeah, they really are.

by x-rose-x April 5, 2009

5👍 20👎