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American Syndrom

Any medical condition that can be attributed to poor diet and/or lack of exercise.

Well it looks like Carl's American Syndrom caught up with him and he suffered a heart attack. To many of those KFC Taco Burgers. Also the fact that it was Shark Week does not help either.

by killtheskythetruthisadlibid October 6, 2012

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Enlightened American Syndrome

A self-loathing American who disparages American society and people with sweeping negative stereotypes and subjective rantings, with unsaid implication that they have somehow risen above their countrymen and behave in a more cultured manner. EAS is especially common among young Americans who have traveled or lived briefly in an expat bubble overseas.

Julie came back from her summer study program in Germany with a bad case of Enlightened American Syndrome and won't stop complaining about the ugly strip malls in her neighborhood.

by Steady Mercury September 16, 2021

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American Shotgun Syndrome

American Shogtun Syndrome, more commonly known as "ASS!" is the problem built into many multiplayer games to do with lag. This term was originally coined specifically for First-Person Shooter games, but in time has been used for any multiplayer game with similar problems.

ASS occurs when one user, for example from Europe, plays against an American player on an American server. The American player will be able to walk upto the European player, take aim and shoot them in the face with a shotgun at point-blank range to kill them instantly. The European player, suffering from a higher latency will see the American player where he was a second ago, then simply see this as being killed instantly by a shotgun from around 20 metres away, sometimes around a corner or after scoring a headshot or melee kill on said American player.

At the same time, when a European player tries to get up close, aim and get a shot to the head at point blank range against an american player, they may actaully be shooting at where the American player was a second ago, and either do much reduced damage or miss altogether.

When a player suffers from this occurrence, they are often know to disclaim "ASS!"- as they have fallen victim to the effects of American Shotgun Syndrome.

That guy killed me with his shotgun after I hit him in the face with my plasma sword! ASS!

Ugh, I don't want to play this game, it suffers too much from American Shotgun Syndrome... Yeah, it reeks of ASS.

by Terra Fang November 16, 2011

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Average American Derangement Syndrome

The idea that the average American citizen does not know how to take care of him/herself, and must follow, without question, any and all policies of the Obama administration, and anyone who doesn't is a racist. Peaceful protesters are likened to rowdy hordes, individuals who question their representative at a round table discussion are deemed traitors, any person who holds traditional beliefs of any kind is branded a fanatic, and most disgracefully brave war veterans are labeled as extremists.

Some examples of Average American Derangement Syndrome:

-The Democratic National Committee wrote, "Republicans and their allied groups...are inciting angry mobs of a small number of rabid right wing extremists funded by K Street lobbyists to disrupt thoughtful discussions about the future of health care in America taking place in Congressional districts across the country."

-The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, stated, "They (protesters) are carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare."

-Jennifer Crider, spokesperson for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, stated, "Conservative activists don't want to have a conversation. They want to disrupt."

-Representative Gerry Connolly, a Democrat from Virginia and president of the freshman Democrats in Congress, stated that right-wing groups are moving the healthcare debate to "a dangerous level" by using false facts to create anger. He said, "When you look at the fervor of some of these people who are all being whipped up by the right-wing talking heads on Fox, to me, you're crossing a line. They're inciting people to riot with just total distortions of facts."

by jmhoffer August 30, 2009

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American Big Dick Syndrome

Theory that America is the only real country on Earth, could kick every other country's ass in a war (combined), has the right to police other countries and isn't a part of the United Nations.

Belief commonly held by Republicans.

God bless America... And fuck everybody else.

by AngryAmishMafia May 26, 2004

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American Indian Princess syndrome

When blonde and blue eyed white girls look to see if their great great grand mother was part of some native american tribe. Then they go around saying that they are part native, even though they might not even have enough blood line to get a native blood card. They also never took part in their tribes cultural heritage until they found out they were "1/32" native, then becoming obsessive they search and learn as much as they can. Often natives despise them, as they are fake, wanna be white girls that want to be brown, powerful princesses of the earth. Also, they try to take grant and scholarship money that is allocated to the Native American minority population.

That white girl you know who is privileged and burns sage over her textbooks ever new semester. = American Indian Princess syndrome

by nottawhitegirl February 29, 2012

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American Big Dick Syndrome

Referring to American people who have an impression of themselves and their country as being some how superior to the rest of the world. It is an ethnocentric belief that their culture, politics, economics, society and generally all aspects of the country as so amazingly awesome. Thus, the behaviour of someone who has a big dick. It is also the attitude for which Americans are often disliked by other nations and groups of people around the world. Rather than take a humble, helping, culturally sensitive approach to interaction with other people and international relations; the big dick syndrome often causes tensions with other peoples due to how non-Americans are assumed to be wrong or inferior. Also includes a denial of any possibility of making a mistake and an inability to apologize - leading to a lack of credibility and faith in the US by other peoples. The sydrome comes in part from the belief that the military's might is sufficient to over-rule any opposition. This might is used often in contrary to the principles of democracy, self determination and freedom which the country was founded upon.

American Big Dick Syndrome has been demonstrated in Iraq, Vietnam, the alleged "fair-trade" (two for me, none for you) much of Latin American politics, ignoring the United Nations, etc.

by Dictionary Definer December 14, 2006

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