Amongularity Effect
The Amongularity Effect describes the urge of Individuals, may that be humans or not, to do something related to the videogame "Among Us".
What preceeds the triggering of the Amongularity Effect is, when an Individual does or says something related to the popular videogame "Among Us"
The strength of the Amongularity Effect is dependent on time and concentration of the Amonguli (Singular:Amongulus) particles in the Atmosphere.
Where more Amonguli Particles and a state of time, closer to the trigger, result in a harsher and more direct chain reaction with several people at a time
making funny references to the funny videogame "Among Us". While, when the time of trigger was some time ago, the reaction will not be as concentrated and not as many people
will reference said videogame.
The Amonguli Effect is considered an anomaly but is able to be calculated as follows:
AE = ( AC + tT)/(Sus)
AE: Amongularity Effect
AC: Amonguli concentration rate
tT: Time since triggering of the Amongularity Effect'S chain reaction
S : Number of people making references to the video game of amongus
u : Category of the Individuals, doing the references (Split in 10 Categories by age)
s : Average amount of the references per individual (Every Category is to be calculated by itself(!) and then the "Among Us agefactortm" shall be added)
Eren: Yo pakan is kind of a Sussy baka
Reed: The amongularity effect has come into play
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