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Amongunese is the rarest and hardest languages to learn in history, in fact, it is harder than mandarin. The way people communicate using this language is by simply yelling "AMONGUS" the higher the tune the more it means, the lower the tune, the more it also means. In text it is only written in 2 ways: (1.ඩ Classic Amongus character.) and (2.ඩී Angel Amongus character.)

Julie: Hey Fred, ever heard of Amongunese?
Fred: ඩීඩීඩීඩීඩඩඩ
Julie: What the.....
Fred: ඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩී

The entire world: ඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩඩඩඩඩීඩීඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩීඩී

by Whydoespeopletakemyusername March 28, 2022

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