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amy santiago

Amy Santiago is a police sergeant on Brooklyn 99. Super competitive nerd with an inexplicable love for stationery. Lifetime ambition is to become a police captain. Married to fellow detective Jake Peralta!

Is that Amy Santiago? I heard that she owned two graphing calculators... sad...

by Brooklyn-Define-Define October 6, 2018

58πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Amy Santiago

An Amy Santiago is someone who prepares too much for something, they could make binders, own two graphing calculators or just look for mentors wherever they need one, which is everywhere

β€œLook at that girl, she’s preparing for the exams that are a year away!”
β€œYeah I know, she’s such an amy Santiago”

by Pineapple2005 January 21, 2019

28πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Amy Santiago

To be an Amy Santiago means to be someone who plans too much and is very smart, used to go to math camp, prepares binders and looks for a mentor in everyone

β€œLook at that girl preparing for the exams, those are a year away!”
β€œI know and look at her binder, what an Amy Santiago”

by Pineapple2005 January 21, 2019

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž