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Anarcho-vegetism is a dialectic acceleration of the supreme form of anarcho-monarchism: the always celebrated anarcho-maoism. Anarcho-vegetism deterritorializes anarcho-stalinism to reterritorialize it in a xenoimproved version of the maximum outcome of the dialectic development between posadist-demonology and trotzkist-luxembourghism.

The final aufhebung, the lichtung on the plan d'immanence and the always covet left unity is anarcho-vegetism. Here we can find an eternal peace founded on the Union of self-government principalities, the "sayan-soviets", around the worlds.

A friend: "I'm wondering, if anarcho-vegetism is the perfection of communism, how will be the typical person in this kind of society?"

Me, an intellectual: "You have to imagine every person in anarcho-vegetism as a multitude of Vegetas. A body without organ that is the platonic form of Vegeta as the Ubermensch. Vegeta has the perfect balance between the Apollonian and Dionysian Spirit: the will to regulate his training, the pride to guide him towards the Wille zur Macht"

by Meta-communism May 8, 2020