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And I made her say it!

Considering nowadays you can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone who will say "that's what she said," you now have the most appropriate response to it ever. "And I made her say it." Perfect. Presto. It just works. Not only does it diffuse an annoying "thats what she said" moment, but it also puts the ball into your court permanently, because the idiot saying it really doesn't have a response to counter it. Go on, don't be shy, try it today! It's risk free! Unless of course you're stupid.

Good time to use it...

Bro1 "Dude did you take that math test?"
Bro2 "Yea man it was sooo harddddd!"
Bro1 "Bro huhhahhaha....thats what she said!"
Bro2 "Yea, and I made her say it!"
Bro1 "Niiiiiceeeee"

Bad time to use it...

Bro1 "Dude, I got high yesterday!!"
Bro2 "Is that all?
Bro1 "Hah! Thats what she said!"
Bro2 "Yea, and I made her say it!"
Bro1 "Fail."

by comediclaughterje December 12, 2010

11👍 3👎