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Andrew Mueller

A leader among peasents, a deity upon mortals, a Mueller among civilians. Andrew Mueller is a half cyber half flesh being. He wields an ubsurdly large battle axe in battle. Andrew (Milk Man) Mueller. Crazy skater, made Tony Hawk cry. Cuts wood and starts fires on a daily. Whenever Andrew Mueller thinks of an Idea a large bomb is set off in a 100 mile radius. Andrew Mueller is the dominant primoridal beast that has been leader for the Muellers since the time of dawn. First real man to ever step foot on the moon. He is the creator of steroyeds. Andrew Mueller is a German-born, London-based fnaf enthusiast and author. He is a 10 time gold medalist winner for fastest time to skin a living hog/boar, and also regularly writes for The Independent, The Independent on Sunday, The Financial.

I feel like Andrew Mueller -ing some hogs right about now...

by TurdPoo December 18, 2021