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Anglo-Norman languages

Pronunciation: /ˈæŋɡloʊ ˈnɔ rmən ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒɪz/ (This is a suggested phonetic pronunciation)
1. Anglo-Norman Languages (phrase, noun) - A group of North-Western languages with common similarities with Romance or French.
2. These linguistic forms are colloquial in locales such as Ireland, North America (specifically the United States of America and Canada), and other regions.
• It defines “Anglo-Norman languages” as similar to Romance or French languages.
• It specifies them as being North-Western in origin.
• It highlights their colloquial usage in specific geographical regions relative to Ireland, the United States, and Canada.
• It emphasizes the ample space of these languages.
Phrase: Anglo-Norman languages

• “The influence of Anglo-Norman languages can be observed in certain legal documents.”
• “Numerous of the expressions found in American English were derived from Anglo-Norman languages.”
• “The study of Anglo-Norman languages provides perception into the history of linguistic migration.”
• “The Anglo-Norman languages were fundamental in the development of law and administration.”
• “The professor emphasized the significance of Anglo-Norman languages.”

by Dmitrio January 22, 2025