Anime Song Stadium or (ASS) is the day where the only thing you can play in discord VCs are anime songs. Typically on Wednesday nights, ASS are designed to allow people to flex their knowledge of anime songs to demonstrate weeb superiority. The jiggle and flexibility of ASS allow them to be the heavenly creations they are. Inside an ASS, one can expect divine sensations designed to sooth the mental and physical unrest from a heavy day at school or work. A strong arsenal of anime song assets will allow the bragging rights of being the best in ASS. Every ASS, some will be victorious with the best songs, and others will feel sorry for not being strong enough to defeat the champions of ASS, however, every ASS, people gain more and more experience to try to become the Legend of ASS (LASS) resulting in fierce, invigorated competition that can entertain all.
Weeb1: Were u at last night's ASS(Anime Song Stadium)?! It was killer! I have never been able to seen a full blown out one, but that was amazing!
Weeb2: Yeah, after a boring af day at school I hopped on discord and my useless body was cleansed with the power of ASS! I hope I can win next time with my new killer songs!