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April 25

Its my freakin Birtday

Person: you know what day it is today.
Other person: It’s April 25
Me: It’s my freakin birthday🎁

by Tablecoolswag October 31, 2019

74πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

April 25

Let’s just say the people who were born on this day are the absolute coolest! They’re really the nicest funniest people. They’re the people you want to be good friends with! So go tell this person how amazing they are.

Dang those people born on April 25!

by Someone’s bestie 😎 April 25, 2020

131πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

April 25

April 25 is when really cute people are born the have the biggest dicks and they are so hot and they will love you forever

Your cute and your born in April 25

by Champion262572 December 11, 2020

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

April 25

April 25 is National Quote Day. A day in wich you say one of your favorite quotes or you referance any quote from any TV show, anime series, or movie with or without context.

Person 1: Hey you know what today is?

Person 2: No...

Person 1: It's April 25


by Iv officialy lost my marbles November 3, 2019

34πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

April 25

April 25 is you can hit any friend of yours

Girl: it’s april 25 hit a friend day. Boy: fine hit me

by Aubrianna Donnley April 16, 2019

75πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

April 25

National be a thot day. April 25 is the day when one is encouraged to thot and wild out both in person and on social media platforms such as Snapchat or Twitter.

Guy 1: Hey it’s April 25, you know what that means !
Guy2: Oh right! Be a thot day!

by Nmls April 25, 2018

186πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

April 25

National airhorn day

1. Oh shit we gotta bring our airhorns to school on the April 25 2. We gotta party likes its 4/25

by Oh Shittty April 20, 2019

52πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž