The Archive is a brotherhood founded by Jesse, Hunter, and Tyler. This Group is a brotherhood started in late 2019 and early 2020. Archive is an invite only group so there is just no automatically getting in. Too join Archive you have to submit a request to start the initiation process. This fraternal like group isn’t a religion. You can believe in whatever you want as long as you believe in god you can get in. Everything done and said within Archive is talked through behind closed doors, no outsiders can hear what goes on within Archive. People in Archive don’t discuss anything that goes on to the outside world, as their ceremony’s and meetings are all kept in secrecy.
Random Person: What is the Archive Lodge?
Archive: We are a fraternal/ Lodge type of group. We call ourselves a brotherhood.
Random Person: That’s cool! How do I join the Archive?
Archive: You have to submit a request to start your initiation.
Random Person: What goes on within the Archive?
Archive: What goes on within the Archive stays in the Archive. I couldn’t tell you because your not a brother. You would have to be apart to find out.
Random Person: When can I put in my request to join?
Archive: At any time. Good luck with your initiation!