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Argumentum ab Negatum

Argumentum ab Negatum, is a variation of Argumentum ab Pseudoscientia, this is a kind of argument that seeks to consider the opponent as a denier, more often as a science denier, based on the ideas, hypothesis, theories or concepts he actually supports, often being together with argumentum ab pseudoscientia and scientistic shillism. Argumentum ab Negatum often seeks to use non-scientific or extrascientific beliefs and positions the opponent has to call him as science denier and even the use of argumentum ab scientia to show that something is a science and being against it is actually being a science denier. Argumentum ab Negatum is often used by scientistic shillists in order to attack leftists, esoterics, spirituals, religious people, LGBT, otherkins/therians, starseeds, mythicals and supernaturals as well.

“Argumentum ab Negatum is really used by scientistic shillists in order to protect their positions and attack people they disagree with, it’s often used together with argumentum ab pseudoscientia and argumentum ab scientia, the ab baculum version of ab scientia. At this way, we can say that scientistic shillism became a serious problem nowadays to a level we need to say that everyone has some level of “science denial” and “non-scientific beliefs” and it’s ok and not the real problem, but the real problem is scientistic shillism, logical positivism and material reductionism that scientistic shillists often do, because a big part of scientists on scientific community, mainly religious and spiritual ones, also share of beliefs that are “non-scientific”, “extrascientific” and even “pseudoscientific”, so it shouldn’t be seen as a problem nowadays, but scientistic shillism, logical positivism and material reductionism are the problem nowadays.”

by Full Monteirism May 3, 2021

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