Source Code

Arthur Dent

Last surviving male of Planet Earth after it's demolition to make way for a hyperspace bypass.

Was actually a character from The Archers who found himself in the wrong storyline. i.e. a Monty Python-esque psychedelic space opera populated by characters such as Zaphod Beeblebrox (two heads, three arms, former Galactic President, recently voted Worst Dressed Sentient Being of All Time) and Ford Prefect (roving researcher for the Hitch hiker's Guide top the Galaxy, who chose his earth name after some really lazy research).

Constantly in search of tea, while all around him people search for the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything while trying not to die.

The Ultimate Answer was in fact 42, but since no-one knew the question they had to construct a giant supercomputer known as The Earth to find it out. This computer was often mistaken for a planet by the apelike creatures roaming it's surface. It was destroyed by the Vogons five minutes before the critical readout; thus the Ultimate Question was lost forever, allowing the psychiatrists and philosophers to continue in business unmolested and make a fortune arguing about it and "treating" people who wondered what it was all about.

Eventually, he learns how to fly.

"Where's the tea?"

by Trillian August 9, 2004

98👍 12👎

Arthur Dent

The main character of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a 5-book trilogy written by Douglas Adams.

Arthur Dent was one of two Earthlings to escape the planet Earth before it was demolished to make way for an intergalatic bypass. Arthur Dent escaped the planet with Ford Prefect, and spends time with the ex-President of the Galaxy, Zaphod Beeblebrox, the Worst Dressed Sentinent Being in the Universe.

Arthur Dent's special talents include being able to fly (tips: try to fall and miss the ground), talk to birds, befuddle the computer of the universes best spaceship, and be able to stand the second worst poetry in the Universe.

"Listen, looking lived-in is all the rage in California at the moment. You've got to look as if you've seen the Galaxy. Life, I mean. You've got to look as if you've seen life. That's what I got. A face drop. Give me eight years, I said. I hope being thirty doesn't come back into fashion or I've wasted a lot of money."

"When I eat a biscuit," said Arthur, "it stays eaten."

by Morgan Sennhauser July 12, 2005

43👍 8👎

Arthur Dent

2nd last remaining earth creature. Survived the destruction of earth (...was destroyed to make way for a new space-hyper bypass)

Arthur Dent could never get the hang thursdays.

by Tom August 2, 2004

30👍 9👎