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A very confident and outgoing person. They tend to be very inspirational when they speak.

A person who has great sense of humor

I met a guy today who is the perfect definition of Asante
I think you are awesome, you should totally change your name to Asante

by CalculusJuicySanta January 25, 2017

59πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


An amazingly handsome kind individual. He is strong and courageous. Never gives up on anything life throws at him. He loves his girlfriend with all that he is. Asante is friends with everyone, but don't make him mad because you'll never have him as a friend again.

Who is that guy over there with the beautiful girl? Oh man, that's Asante. Don't mess with him or his girl!

by KKUKNOWMS16 October 29, 2015

92πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


The Ashanti.... (also Asante) are a major ethnic group from Africa who speak a dialect of Akan. Prior to European colonization, the Ashanti Confederacy/Kingdom was a major state, particularly during the period from 1570 to 1900. Ashanti wealth was based on the region's substantial deposits of gold. These luscious gold deposits led to many people who started metal-working. From these gold deposits came a golden stool. The stool was sacred, so that no one could sit, touch, or even get within a few of it: the Stool was a religious item. An attempt by British Gold Coast governor Frederick Hodgson in 1900 to take the Golden Stool led to an uprising by the Ashanti. There were eleven major wars in this conflict. The Ashanti won ALL of them, except the last. In these wars, Ashanti generals stopped the inland encroachment of the British. It took the British nearly a century of fighting with the Ashanti before they gained total control of the region. The territory occupied by the Kingdom of Ashanti is now part of what is now known as Ghana...

To be born Ashanti (Asante), is to be ordained to bring into the world all that is best in the human race.

by reaLest February 15, 2006

103πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


Asante is the Swahili word for "Thank you" also it is the name for someone who is obsessed with Dragon Ball Z, Marvel and a bit of star wars he loves salsa a lot and he usally tends to be friends with Atoms, very fat Adam's who mostly tend to sleep with him but when he does the Asante tends to hurt his feelings and then tries to make his feelings better afterwards but it usally ends with him trying to beat up some white boy with blond hair.

Billy: Hey look at that person trying to cheer up those Atoms is he an Asante?

Bob: Yes that is most definitely an Asante.

by KingpinLegend95 March 22, 2022


A bitch who wears glasses. A BIG Bum. Really loud

Asante you bitch.

by Pussyfooting P08 March 22, 2017

23πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


When you have no experience with girls whatsoever

Dude I hope I don’t asante on this date

by Black dick20005 June 29, 2019

4πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A girl at dan f long that thinks Kevin is not sexy and does not make a good couple with her

Asante:ew he ugly and not sexy

by 100%niggy July 2, 2018

4πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž