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asimov's sideburns

1) n. To be used in similes to show something is epic.
2) v. To be used to show you are doing something epic.
3) a. To be used to show how awesome what you are looking at is epic.
4) av. To be used to show how epic what you are/were doing is/was.

The phrase 'asimov's sideburns' refers to the science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, known mainly for his writing and good intellect, but the hidden gem of his character were his heavily-cultivated sideburns. Asimov fans around the world recognise Asimov's sideburns as some of the most persona-defining, ingenious, and gravity-defying hair since Friderich Nietzche's moustache.

1) She was as awesome as asimov's sideburns.

The Grand Canyon's pure sight was breathtaking, like asimov's sideburns.
2) I totally asimov's sideburned down that road.
3) Wow, did you see that asimov's sideburns car?
4) The car was asimov's sideburning asimov's sideburnly.

by I Define The Internet May 9, 2010

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