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The home of popular celebrities such as 'Man' and 'The Jonkler'.

"When were done eating we should go to the aslume to see Man!"

by ItsJustZay09 August 2, 2023

82👍 2👎


The home of man and jonkler

Joe mama is in the aslume

by Gvprtski November 27, 2023

Ham Aslume

A distortion of "Arkham Asylum" created by the certified Reddit Madhouse 'BatmanArkham', home to many similar distortions of different DC universe characters (notably Man, Jonkler, and Bone).

"Why is Bone still trapped in the Ham Aslume? Is he stupid?

by Michael Machiel April 18, 2024

Ham Aslume

A fictional parody of the DC Comics Arkham Asylum that originated from the ever-insane BatmanArkham subreddit. Known patients include Man, the Jonkler, Bone, and Dick.

"Why hasn't Jonkler escaped the Ham Aslume? Is he stupid?"

by Michael Machiel April 15, 2024