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1. One who takes charge of and dominates asses like a despot.

2. The nemisis of the asspirate. Although their goals are similar they are loathe to share the ass-sea.

3. A man who loves ass-sex, but unlike the asspirate the ass captain in purely homosexual.

1. "I can't believe the way roberto lets mantooth captain his ass like that"

2. Asscaptain McClendon glared at his arch nemesis, the dred asspirate Roberts.
"I'll be damned if I share this eerr ass-ocean yee," exclaimed the insatiable Roberts.
"Then battle for the ass we must!" retorted McClendon.

3. "Man o man do I singularily love to tyranize a man's ass," said the asscaptain.

by Matuea October 8, 2006

11👍 1👎


1. One who deems it necessary to boss people around for the sake of shameless self-amusement.
2. One who seeks ass of any kind.
3. One who captains the ass.

Brad should stop telling me what to do. I'm sick of him being an asscaptain.

by Matt Heston June 21, 2006

19👍 3👎


1. One who deems it necessary to boss people around for the sake of shameless self-amusement.
2. One who seeks ass of any kind.
3. One who captains the ass.

Brad should stop telling me what to do, I'm sick of him being an asscaptain.

by Matt Heston June 25, 2006

4👍 3👎