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Ass Shank

A man's "Johnson;" derived from the expression, "I'd definitly stab it in your sister's ass."

*Ass in this context can mean both a vagina or anal cavity.

Yo Freddy, I hit your moms off with the ass shank last night. She loved it.

by Eapert McDangles July 7, 2006

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Open ass face shank

Term used when someone walks unknowingly into an area where someone has just crop dusted with their mouth open. Leaving the person feeling as though they had just been stabbed in the face with someone's ass matter.

Bob wondered who open ass face shanked him in aisle 3 of the grocery store.

Bill thought farting in mary's cubicle would be a funny open ass face shank.

by Theßeave October 17, 2011

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