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Atticus Finched

A phrase said after a hype play in a first person shooter (mainly tf2). Named after a scene in To Kill a Mockingbird were Atticus shoots a dog from very far away.

Person 1: *Gets a cool kill in a FPS*
Person 1: That kid just got Atticus Finched!

by Cypig June 22, 2019

Atticus Finch

The ultimate pimp, pwn'ing racist towns and unjust trials since before you were born. Appears in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mochingbird." Carries a Pimp stick of JUSTICE.

1. "Dude, Atticus Finch is such a frickin' pimp."

2. "That is SO Finch."

by Kewwie March 1, 2006

566👍 100👎

Daddy Atticus Finch

When your sexually attracted to Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mocking Bird and want to have casual sex with him and get hit with his pins stick

Girl: Daddy Atticus Finch is such a sussy baka

by Jessica ClamS March 25, 2022

2👍 3👎

Atticus Finch Effect

Someone who ages rapidly and becomes heavily unattractive by the time they’re 40-45. Their peak age of attractiveness is 16-30. It’s an unfortunate disorder which commonly occurs in smokers and white men.

“Have you seen how Gregory Peck looks after his apperance in To Kill a Mocking Bird? He’s for sure gone through the Atticus Finch Effect.”

“Damn, I thought Paul McCartney from The Beatles was called the ‘cute Beatle’ for a reason. But now you can really see the Atticus Finch Effect in him.”

“Your mom has gone through the Atticus Finch Effect, she looks like shit now.”

by VixenCloud October 17, 2022