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Awrite shagger

A term used commonly by true mafias in order to show affection. This phrase is strictly prohibited to PUSSYS and can only be used by the real shaggers.

Bully bastards: jumps fra

me: awrite shaggers

by Awrite shaggers/ top shagger April 29, 2019

3👍 5👎

Awrite Shagger

A phrase used commonly by eh true lads tae Greer yer pal who’s a bit ae a geezar (only true shaggars can use this term as it is strictly prohibited to PUSSYS)

Someone :sappnin lads

Me: awrite shagger
Someone: bully b*stars
In conclusion, this phrase can only be used by true scheme burds, catch ye shaggars xoxox

by Awrite shaggers/ top shagger April 29, 2019

3👍 5👎