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The true definition of "AZN": a short way of saying asian. Nothing else. Doesnt nessesarily mean an asian that thinks he's gangster, has asian pride, high school asian drop out, or anything else. The origin came from the internet when other people shortened the way of saying asian to AZN(just like LoL=laugh out loud,KiT=keep in touch,WtF=what the fu**, etc.) This is true because I study urban slang and the origin didnt even come from asians. In fact, its really just a way some people type asian in the internet(white people even type AZN instead of asian 'cause it's faster to type). So people who claims that azn is just a retarded way asians say asian are wrong because asians were not the first one to say "AZN"

did u see that hot azn?

by Urban Slang Teacher December 4, 2005

2843๐Ÿ‘ 1238๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.) Shortened form of Asian.

2.) Today, commonly used by non-Asians to identify themselves as Asians. This can be contributed to the fact that most self-respecting Asians would not be caught dead doing some of the actions "AzN's" perform on the internet.

AzNpRyDe: MaI H0nDa i2 FaSt!!!!11!!!

Manawski: What.

by Manawski February 27, 2003

1574๐Ÿ‘ 717๐Ÿ‘Ž


retarded form of "asian."
immature children who's eyes have not been open to the world who claim "asian pride," usually high school/high school drop outs and under with bleached hair that spend their days at the local arcade playing DDR, also types "LyKe Dis On thE InTerNeTzZzZz"

"AzN pRydE, AzN tIL i DiE" WhOo HooOo i'm A DumBaSs DaT doEsnT knnO hOw To tyPe aNd EmBarRAsZz My rAcE anD EthNiCiTy by ClaiMinG PrYde WheN i dUn EBeN knO hOw To SpEaK iN mY nAtiVe TonGuE... PeACe OUtERsZZzz..

by youfoo January 12, 2003

6144๐Ÿ‘ 3752๐Ÿ‘Ž


The ghetto, immature kind of asian. Equal to a wigger but of asian descent. Often have an overinflated sense of national pride, while they unknowingly embarass other people of their race.

They are asian supremecists except that it is not considered to be racist when one is not white (for some reason)

azn: azn pryde, yo
asian: shut up

by radicaled August 13, 2005

942๐Ÿ‘ 726๐Ÿ‘Ž


Just, simply, another word for asian. A word that has nothing, at all, to do with your stereotype, personality, or anything of the sort. A word in which anyone/everyone uses, just as much as they use other shortened versions of things.

The word doesn't have much to do with the way you type, neither. It's just simply another way to write/type asian.

It has little to do with culture, although it is more than likely asians will use it (because they are azn/asian?), but it is no different than calling someone asian. It means the same thing -- and it DOES NOT make the person who they are.

I do, indeed, have pride in my country, but who doesn't? My hair is black, I never play games (I despise them), I go to school, and I know everything about my heritage just about. I live in the place one of my parents was born, and have visited the other. I do not embarrass my nation by calling myself azn -- everyone does it. I am not ghetto, not a nerd, not a wigger, not a prep, not a skater. I'm a hardcore chick and I am 100 percent AZN. :

by Yumicakes January 5, 2006

365๐Ÿ‘ 274๐Ÿ‘Ž


A short form for asian

Yea man azn pride

by a2n August 10, 2002

199๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž


An acronym for the word Asian.

AZN is so overused and therefore holds no value. Ironically it is still used as part of every day life by pathetic asians that think they are gangsters by parading around in their bleached hairs and loose clothing. Their day to day routine involves spending all their money playing DDR at arcades, then bumming outside Galaxy World on George Street when they have finished and are penniless.

"AZN" probably originated from that crap song "Azn Pryde" by some pathetic asian with no singing talent. Since then, dickhead asians have tried to follow in this no-talent's footsteps. Dye their hair, dress in loose clothing and fanaticise themself about the joy of listening to love songs and r&b (Songs sung by African Americans and have no relations with Asian whatsoever).

In conclusion, 'AZN' is pathetic. The repeated use of 'AZN' creates a bad stereotype for the real asians. Any asian who uses 'AZN' on a regular basis is just another dumbcunt trying to be a real asian.

A Real Asian - An educated human being with Asian ancestry.
An AZN Asian - A poorly educated individual living in a western country (Like Australia) and leeching on the achievements of a 'Real Asian'

Pathetic Asian: "AZN Pryde!!"
Me: "Fuck off loser! Because of you, I wish i was white!"

by Matthew U. October 5, 2005

194๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž