Azoolocuism - disbelief or lack of belief that animals can talk.
Person 1: I don't think donkeys can talk.
Person 2: YOu fuCkinG AzOOlocUist!!1!!1! DoNkeYS cAN tALk!!!1!21!! 1iDNt yOU wAtcH ShREk?!?!?! ItS An uNdesPUtaBLe PrOOf tHat uR wRonG!!1!!! BuT yOuR a CLoSe miNDeD aZoOLoCusiT aND yOu WoNt acCePT iT caUsE iT cOnTRadiCts YOu'Re rELiGioN!1!1! It tAkEs MoRe faiTH tO bELieVe aZooLocUiSm tHaN tO bELieVe tHaT DonKeyS cAn TaLk!!!1!1!