Source Code


Boeing six engine jet bomber which entered service in 1951 and lasted until 1966. It was the backbone of SAC's(Strategic Air Command) deterrent force until the early sixties. It is also the direct ancestor of the B-52, KC-135, and the indirect ancestor of every modern jet transport except the Concord. One hell of an airplane. It was called the Stratojet.

The B-47 had only a three man crew.

by geinman July 16, 2013

Prophecy 47-B

It states that if by the end of Obama's presidency, were aren't in World War III, then Jesus Christ will return from heaven and get a job at a music store

Dumb guy1:Have you heard of Prophecy 47-B?
Dumb Guy2: Yeah, what are the odds that it will actually comes true?
Dumb Guy1:Considering how much Obama's fucking up, I say they're pretty low...

by Xero _ Manifest January 7, 2012

6👍 2👎

Trevor B-47

An absolute beast of a man, with the largest dick and balls the world has ever seen. He likes men, especially men with butts. Big ones too. He refuses to be called B-47, regardless he is still deemed so. There is no known meaning behind it, but it can be inferred that it represents the size of his massive penis. A Trevor B-47 is a diamond in the rough, and if ever seen, should be praised immediately for his Fortnite skills.

Person 1: "Have you seen Trevor B-47 ever?"
Person 2: "No I haven't, but its my dream to see him."
Person 1: "Me too, especially for his skills!"

by LegoJustus November 25, 2021