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one of the most versatile words in the english language; it is used to express a multitude of emotions; anger, anticipation, despair, endearment, envy, excitement, fear, horror, joy, shock, surprise, warning; all achieved by one's enunciation and intonation.

Endearment: Hey bitch!
Joy: Oh my god, bitch!
Anticipation: Bitch, guess what?
Shock/Pain: Stubs toe Ah, bitch!
Envy: She's SUCH a BITCH.
Fear: Bitch. What was that noise?
Surprise: BITCH!
Warning: Bitch. Don't try me.
Despair: Biiiitch.

by Carrie Barrie September 14, 2017

11652๐Ÿ‘ 1118๐Ÿ‘Ž



you are a bitch

by badbitchperiodtttttttttttttttt August 11, 2019

1735๐Ÿ‘ 364๐Ÿ‘Ž


A bitch is just a bully in a skirt.

Like any bully, she won't lay off until you stand up to her.

Like any classic bully, she thinks she's tough until her victim fights back. When a victim successfully fights back, the classy bully's demeanor turns from wannabe tough to whiny crybaby. i.e. - a classic bitch

And we've come full circle.

A female bully is a bitch.

Female bullies typically attack you behind your back, trying to ruin your reputation with others. That's their favorite tactic. More confrontational bullies will also attack you openly, in your face.

As with any bully, you cannot appease the bitch by turning the other cheek, being passive, letting it go, etc. Those passive behaviors show weakness, which attracts bullies to attack you more.

There is no way to humor a bully for very long.

There will be no end the attacks and bullying, until you stand up to the bully, or permanently leave. Though often they won't let you leave until after you've stood up to them.

Since bitches are just female bullies, they are like any other bully. Once you realize that, you know who you're dealing with.

by Not going to take it anymore December 23, 2010

2408๐Ÿ‘ 702๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person - who could be of either gender, but stereotypically is a woman - who allows their spur-of-the-moment negative emotional reactions to play far too large a role in their dealings with others.

The most recognizable characteristic of a bitch is a high volume of largely unmerited complaints about others. To qualify for bitchhood, these must be a conspicuously frequent feature of her conversation, and must strike most non-bitches as exaggerated if not completely unwarranted, at least occasionally to the point of making a big deal of things that strike most others as completely innocuous.

Note that a frank but perceptive critic of others is not thereby a bitch, even if completely lacking an internal censor. Bitches frequently think of themselves as such people, but in reality they have the frankness, but not the perceptiveness.

The bitch will often come across abrasive and unreasonable, except to authority figures who can benefit her. Most are narcissistic and/or hypocritical; favourite tactics include characterizing things as horrible moral wrongs which are unobjectionable save that they inconvenience him or her personally, and complaining that someone else has been rude to them, in terms that are vastly more rude than anything the complainee has actually done.

This is not the worst thing you can call someone, but it's about the worst thing I would call anyone I might nevertheless be willing to voluntarily spend time around.

One of our friends is homeless at the moment, so we were going to let him do volunteer work instead of paying for the convention, but this one bitch complained that it was somehow unfair that she had to pay and he didn't.

When I mentioned my money problems, she just insinuated that they were my own fault, but when her parents threatened to cut her allowance the bitch wouldn't stop whining about it. She'd still have had more money than me, too.

by Eater of Cheese April 10, 2010

1284๐Ÿ‘ 514๐Ÿ‘Ž


a woman that has the social skills of a Hitler.

"why is she such a bitch"?

by burntdep May 13, 2009

383๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž


Not gender specific. Someone with no moral integrity who is only seeking to further their own agenda. One who makes bitch moves. Cowardly and spineless.

Sucker punching someone when they're not looking.
Framing someone else for something you did.
Refusing to pay someone what they're owed just because you can.
Sleeping with your buddy's girl.
Witnessing the rape or assault of a woman and not doing anything to stop it.
Committing a hit and run.
Picking on the defenseless or any type of bullying

"What you think you're tough cuz you knocked that guy out?" You sucker punched him from behind man! You ain't nothin but a bitch!"

by allthecolorsyouare September 20, 2017

167๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anyone who takes pride in pissing you off.

shut it, bitch

by clone baby September 26, 2008

203๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž