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Ultra-cool motherfucker.

Dirty Harry; Jules Winnfield; Frank Castle.

by Loner November 18, 2003

7823๐Ÿ‘ 2053๐Ÿ‘Ž


The badass is an uncommon man of supreme style. He does what he wants, when he wants, where he wants. You won't find him on facebook, myspace, msn et cetera because he is probably out being cool somewhere. He might be on a motorcycle, but it's probably not a Harley or a crotch rocket because he won't spend that much money to be accepted. Traditionally, he will smoke, but it's not necessary at all. He feels no obligation whatsoever to justify his beliefs, values, convictions, morals et cetera with anyone. He likes his music because it sounds cool to him. You won't find him if you look for him because there is no sure way to identify him. One does not think that he is badass; he KNOWS it and that's that. Alternatively, a badass is the complete opposite of a douchebag.

Likely to be found in a popular pub taking your money on the pool table then buying you a beer with it, you won't identify him by his clothing because there is no badass uniform. He's probably not sporting the latest fad, he's not wearing $200 jeans, and he doesn't have frosted hair. He's always up for a challenge, he'll probably succeed and he seems to be good at everything. But at the same time, the badass attitude is like: "ok well I don't give a shit".

Genuinely intriguing and intrigued by others, he radiates confidence in everything he does and fears nobody. He won't pick a fight but DO NOT fuck with him, because he will beat the shit out of you with his bare hands. He's taken more punches to the face than you have, and he's probably busted a few knuckles (on more than just the kitchen cabinets in the dark). Treats people with respect up to the point where they cross the line with him. Keeps his cool but won't be pushed around. He does not justify insecurities by bringing others down; he'll accept everyone to have as much fun as he is having regardless of what they look like.

In general: the behavior and appearance of the badass are as unique and indescribable as he is, because he is not part of a group or class, he's too cool for words. He's fucking badass.

By the way, just because Dane Cook claims to be a BAMF, that does not make him a badass. That makes him a douchebag. Do you get it now?

1. Girl: "that guy is so badass, what's his name?"

2. Guy: "hey that dude just threw three bull's-eyes in a row then slammed a beer, he's pretty fucking badass."

3. Douchebag: "hey man, look i just bought a (hummer, corvette, harley....etc), i'm badass now aren't I?"

by dougdougdoug August 18, 2007

3235๐Ÿ‘ 1424๐Ÿ‘Ž


The epitome of the American male. He radiates confidence in everything he does, whether it's ordering a drink, buying a set of wheels, or dealing with women. He's slow to anger, brutally efficient when fighting back.

The badass carves his own path. He wears, drives, drinks, watches, and listens to what he chooses, when he chooses, where he chooses, uninfluenced by fads or advertising campaigns. Badass style is understated but instantly recognizable. Like a chopped Harley or a good pair of sunglasses: simple, direct, and functional.

He is a badass.

by S.K. Smith December 23, 2003

5220๐Ÿ‘ 3005๐Ÿ‘Ž


Satoru Gojo

Satoru Gojo is a badass, only he can walk in uninvited, threaten the old man in charge, then walk out just as casually without suffering any consequences

by tryst_69 December 2, 2020

75๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


Awesome to an extreme level, thereby leveraging unquestionable authority.

Sam Elliott's mustache = badass

by not ted November 10, 2006

1193๐Ÿ‘ 754๐Ÿ‘Ž



Rank and organization: Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, 1st Battalion, 105th Infantry, 27th Infantry Division. Place and date: At Saipan, Marianas Islands, 20 June through 7 July 1944. Entered service at: Troy, N.Y. Birth: Troy, N.Y. G.O. No.: 35, 9 May 1945. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty at Saipan, Marianas Islands, from 20 June through 7 July 1944. When assault elements of his platoon were held up by intense enemy fire, Lt. Col. O'Brien ordered 3 tanks to precede the assault companies in an attempt to knock out the strongpoint. Due to direct enemy fire the tanks' turrets were closed, causing the tanks to lose direction and to fire into our own troops. Lt. Col. O'Brien, with complete disregard for his own safety, dashed into full view of the enemy and ran to the leader's tank, and pounded on the tank with his pistol butt to attract 2 of the tank's crew and, mounting the tank fully exposed to enemy fire, Lt. Col. O'Brien personally directed the assault until the enemy strongpoint had been liquidated. On 28 June 1944, while his platoon was attempting to take a bitterly defended high ridge in the vicinity of Donnay, Lt. Col. O'Brien arranged to capture the ridge by a double envelopment movement of 2 large combat battalions. He personally took control of the maneuver. Lt. Col. O'Brien crossed 1,200 yards of sniper-infested underbrush alone to arrive at a point where 1 of his platoons was being held up by the enemy. Leaving some men to contain the enemy he personally led 4 men into a narrow ravine behind, and killed or drove off all the Japanese manning that strongpoint. In this action he captured S machineguns and one 77-mm. fieldpiece. Lt. Col. O'Brien then organized the 2 platoons for night defense and against repeated counterattacks directed them. Meanwhile he managed to hold ground. On 7 July 1944 his battalion and another battalion were attacked by an overwhelming enemy force estimated at between 3,000 and 5,000 Japanese. With bloody hand-to-hand fighting in progress everywhere, their forward positions were finally overrun by the sheer weight of the enemy numbers. With many casualties and ammunition running low, Lt. Col. O'Brien refused to leave the front lines. Striding up and down the lines, he fired at the enemy with a pistol in each hand and his presence there bolstered the spirits of the men, encouraged them in their fight and sustained them in their heroic stand. Even after he was seriously wounded, Lt. Col. O'Brien refused to be evacuated and after his pistol ammunition was exhausted, he manned a .50 caliber machinegun, mounted on a jeep, and continued firing. When last seen alive he was standing upright firing into the Jap hordes that were then enveloping him. Some time later his body was found surrounded by enemy he had killed His valor was consistent with the highest traditions of the service.

This man won the Medal of Honor for his actions. Lt.Col.O'Brien is badass. Calling a "gangsta" a badass is just a joke.

by Swedish Bob October 6, 2006

1140๐Ÿ‘ 942๐Ÿ‘Ž


First things first. There are very few known badasses out there.

1. First of all a badass will not seek attention. Attention is something he could give a fuck less about.

2. A badass doesn't speak out his ass. They are honest, and truly care about others that deserved to be cared for.

3. They are typically quiet and really don't have much to say. They are usually intelligent in some way or another.

4. A true badass must be able to protect his family and closest friends no matter the consequences. Though a true badass likely doesn't have many friends because he doesn't depend on them.

5. A badass is loyal.

6. A badass gives respect only to the people who deserve it, no matter who the fuck they are or how old they are.

badass : Sitting at the bar minding his own business having a beer.

cool guy: Walks up the the bar and says, "Who's this faggot?"

badass: Headbutts the cool guy in the chin or nose, whichever.

badass: Puts cash on bar counter with a fat tip and walks out.

by okc_rocker July 18, 2012

271๐Ÿ‘ 240๐Ÿ‘Ž