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I am Boston Beast

Definition: A declaration of unyielding strength and solitary determination, embodied by an individual who refuses to back down in the face of systemic corruption, even when standing alone. A BOSTOn Beast is forged through years of battling cannabis industry corruption in Massachusetts, standing firm against fraudulent lawyers and program counsel who attempt to exploit the system. This indomitable spirit confronts injustice head-on, filing lawsuits and challenging the very mechanisms designed to drain resources and break spirits, all while being ignored by most leaders when reaching out for support.

A BOSTOn Beast fights tirelessly against a rigged system that uses courts and financial warfare as weapons, never yielding to pressure, intimidation, or the isolation of being left to fight alone. It represents someone who jumps into businesses built to help minorities, always standing up for others and those who cannot defend themselves, even when others in positions of power turn a blind eye.

Origin: Born from the crucible of a years-long, solitary struggle against cannabis industry corruption in Massachusetts, this concept emerged from an individual's unyielding fight against a system designed to silence and bankrupt those who dare to challenge it. It was further defined by the experience of being ignored by leaders when seeking support, forcing the BOSTOn Beast to stand alone in the fight for justice and equality.

1. "I am BOSTOn Beast," declared Sarah as she filed lawsuits against corrupt officials manipulating cannabis licenses, rallying community support despite threats to her career and finances.

2. "I am BOSTOn Beast," Carlos stated, fighting banks in court for denying loans to minority cannabis entrepreneurs, and starting a community credit union to support underserved business owners.

3.. "I am BOSTOn Beast," Aisha declared, launching a campaign for expungement after uncovering systemic racism in cannabis arrest rates, facing down hostile officials to push for legislative change.

4. "I am BOSTOn Beast," Marcus proclaimed, launching a nonprofit to provide legal aid to minority cannabis business owners, fighting a system designed to exclude them.

5."From being profiled by store security to owning a chain of successful businesses, his BOSTOn Beast attitude turned obstacles into stepping stones."

6. "When those big corporations tried to steal my trademark, I stood my ground and said, 'I am BOSTOn beast.' Against all odds, I won, proving that even a kid from the projects can take on Goliath and win.

7. "I am BOSTOn Beast," Jessica proclaimed, taking on a corrupt cannabis program counsel by herself. Despite being shunned by industry insiders afraid of retaliation, she persistently gathered evidence and built a case that eventually led to a state investigation.

by Boston Beast August 2, 2024

I am Boston Beast

Definition: A battle cry born from the projects of Boston, created by an underdog who beat incredible odds. This phrase embodies the unyielding determination and grit of those who face seemingly insurmountable challenges with street smarts, tenacity, and innovative thinking. It was coined by a kid from the inner city who defied expectations, becoming an actor, model, singer, dancer, designer, and entrepreneur - managing 130 employees, owning a hair salon, creating a trademark, and traveling to 32 countries. This BOSTOn beast spirit is about standing up to any person, system, or institution that believes they're superior, fighting smart and hard until the very end. It channels the never-say-die attitude of Boston's legendary sports comebacks, proving that with persistence and heart, no odds are too great to overcome.

Origin: Coined by a kid who grew up in Boston's tough project neighborhoods, faced adversity, and rose to challenge corporate giants in a David vs. Goliath trademark battle. Now shared with the world as a testament to the underdog spirit and the power of relentless determination.


1. "When those big corporations tried to steal my trademark, I stood my ground and said, 'I am BOSTOn beast.' Against all odds, I won, proving that even a kid from the projects can take on Goliath and win."

2. "Down 28-3 in the third quarter, our team channeled that BOSTOn beast energy. We fought back point by point and clinched the championship in overtime."

3. "When my startup was on the brink of failure, I remembered the Red Sox breaking the curse in 2004. I am BOSTOn beast - we turn lost causes into historic victories."

4. "Facing a 3-0 series deficit, most teams would give up. But we're BOSTOn beasts - we dig deep, rally hard, and make the impossible possible."

5. "From being counted out in my industry to leading its innovation - that's the BOSTOn beast way. Like our sports teams, we thrive when others count us out."

6. "They said a kid from the projects couldn't become an actor, model, singer, and business owner. I said 'Watch me.' From managing 130 employees to traveling 32 countries, this BOSTOn beast proves that with grit and determination, you can achieve it all."

Remember: You don't have to live in Boston to be a BOSTOn beast. It's about having that fighter's spirit, standing up against anyone who thinks they're above others, and never giving up, no matter where you're from or what odds you face. A BOSTOn beast fights smart, fights hard, and fights all the way to the end - just like those legendary Boston comebacks on the field, court, and ice.

by Boston Beast July 21, 2024

Boston Beast

Definition: Boston Beast : An unstoppable force born from solitary struggle and unyielding determination. A BOSTOn Beast fights alone, driven by big dreams and an indomitable spirit, persevering without help or support from others. It embodies the daily battle to stay strong in the face of constant adversity, standing tall against racism and those who try to impede progress. A BOSTOn Beast creates an empire from nothing, fueled by personal conviction and a refusal to be defeated. This mindset represents the ultimate underdog who, through sheer will and tenacity, rises above circumstances to achieve greatness, all while fighting against those who attempt to block the path to success. Being a BOSTOn Beast means transforming isolation and opposition into motivation, turning every setback into a stepping stone towards realizing grand visions.

Origin: Forged in the crucible of solitary struggle, this concept emerged from the experiences of an individual who, despite facing racism, lack of support, and active opposition, built an empire through relentless determination and unwavering self-belief.


1. "When the city tried to shut down the youth center, Maria became a BOSTOn Beast. She rallied the neighborhood, organized protests, and not only kept the center open but secured funding for three more."

2. "Diagnosed with a learning disability, James channeled his BOSTOn Beast energy. He developed new study techniques, graduated top of his class, and now runs a nonprofit helping kids with similar challenges."

3. "Faced with racial profiling in her neighborhood, Aisha embodied the BOSTOn Beast spirit. She initiated community dialogues with local law enforcement, leading to new policies and improved relations."

4. "Growing up in a food desert, Carlos became a BOSTOn Beast. He started a community garden, which grew into a network of urban farms, transforming access to fresh produce across the city."

5. "When her school lacked resources for arts education, Samantha tapped into her BOSTOn Beast attitude. She organized fundraisers, partnered with local artists, and created a thriving arts program that's now a model for the district."

6. "Told he couldn't compete in sports due to his disability, Alex embraced the BOSTOn Beast mentality. He not only became a Paralympic champion but also advocates for inclusive sports programs nationwide."

7. "Facing discrimination in the tech industry, Leila's BOSTOn Beast spirit drove her to create a startup incubator focused on underrepresented entrepreneurs, changing the face of Silicon Valley."

by Boston Beast July 30, 2024

Boston Beast

Definition: A powerful declaration of resilience and justice, born from the experiences of a kid standing up against systemic challenges. This phrase embodies the spirit of confronting bullying, racism, colorism, and economic disparities faced by minorities. A BOSTOn beast fights for equality in all spheres, from confronting local businesses about unfair practices to challenging discriminatory banking systems. It's about looking out for everyone, especially the underdogs, and fearlessly addressing injustices in neighborhoods and beyond. This mindset isn't confined to Boston; it's a universal call to action for those who refuse to accept discrimination and inequality, fighting smart and hard for a fairer world.

Origin: Coined by a youth from Boston who faced and overcame multiple forms of adversity, turning personal struggles into a movement for community empowerment and social justice.


1. "When I saw minorities being denied loans unfairly, I became a BOSTOn beast, organizing to hold banks accountable and create financial literacy programs in our community."

2. "Facing colorism in the entertainment industry, I didn't back down. I am BOSTOn beast - we create our own opportunities and change the narrative."

3. "When that arrogant boss tried to take credit for my work, I stood my ground. I am BOSTOn beast - we fight for what's right, no matter who we're up against."

4."Growing up, people said my dreams were too big for a kid from my neighborhood. Now I'm changing my whole industry. That's BOSTOn beast spirit."

5."They told me to 'know my place' in society. I said, 'I am BOSTOn beast' and carved out my own place instead."

6.."From being told I'd never walk again to completing a marathon - that's the BOSTOn beast way. We redefine what's possible."

7."Facing online bullies, I didn't retreat. I am BOSTOn beast - we stand up, speak out, and inspire others to do the same."

8.” They said women don't belong in this field. Now I'm running the company. BOSTOn beasts break glass ceilings for everyone behind them."

Remember: You don't have to live in Boston to be a BOSTOn beast. It's about embodying that fighting spirit, standing up against those who think they're above others, and never giving up, no matter where you are or where you're from. A BOSTOn beast fights smart, fights hard, and fights all the way to the end.

by Boston Beast July 28, 2024