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When you have a male friend or homie, also called a brother or bro, that is cool or awesome. The combination of the two words is Brosome, or the female version, Brasome. Its can be used as a noun or adjective.

Noun- "What's up Brosome?"
Adjective- "That party was so Brosome last night yo!"

by RJH34 August 23, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you have a male friend or homie, also called a brother or bro, that is cool or awesome. The combination of the two words is Brosome, or the female version, Brasome. Its can be used as a noun or adjective.

Noun- "What's up Brosome?"
Adjective- "That party was so Brosome last night yo!"

by RJH34 August 23, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


when bros do things together. (two-some, three-some.)

note: has to be bros, not bro.

not to be confused with bra(brow)wesome.(meaning awesome in english.)

when 2 bros share a bed in a none bromosexual way. It is a Brosome

when 2 bros embrace each other w/a bro-hug...it is a bromantic brosome broment.

When bros have a bro-twurst together. They are doing so as a brosome.

conclusion: when bros do bromal stuff together, they do so as a brosome.

by brofessor of the brolanguage. August 15, 2008

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A brosome is a sexual encounter including three or more bros. But since this act would make all involved no longer bros, the word is considered void in conversation as soon as it is used in this context.

Man, I totally had a brosome with Dylan, Christian, and Magoostus last night!

by themdjunkie May 31, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Brosome combines the words "bro's" and "awesome" together. Two induvidually very strong words that really belong together, making one hell of a word!

Brosome is a word to describe awesome stuff you do with your bro's.

- A good night out with your bro's may be referred to as brosome! (cause it has the two elements "awesome" and "bro's")
- Going to the movies with your girlfriend may NOT be referred to as brosme. (cause its lacking the bro-element, well its actually lacking awesome too)

That trip to Amsterdam was brosome!

The game tomorrow will be: BRO- wait for it.. SOME! BROSOME!

by teclisis December 17, 2010

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When you and your squad do the deed with the xbox.

"Yo Matt my nigga, lets have a brosome at my place yo."

by duq_pub February 19, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

brosome foursome

When you and one of your best friends hang out with two girls and have sexual intercourse.

You: hey man I got these two girls coming over wanna come to?
Best friend:are we bout to have a brosome foursome?
You: hell yeah!!!!

by $@$@$@$@$ December 1, 2015

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