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Bumble Rumble

Die hard Salt Lake Bees fans. They make soccer hooligans look like a cheer team. Thier sole purpose is the downfall of the Sacremento Rivercats.

SL BUMBLE RUMBLE : Minor league baseball - Major League hate.

Fuck the rivercats

living for Bumble dying for the Rumble

by bees801 July 8, 2010

rumble bumble

n. a person who steals the covers

wendy is a rumble bumble

by liberate cannabis March 18, 2005

5šŸ‘ 7šŸ‘Ž


Essentialy an unsually aggressive Tumble Weed.

Indigenous to rural America, the Rumble-bumble-tumble-weed has a larger mass than its Tumble Weed counterpart and is capable of travelling at higher speeds.

The kinetic energy produced by the Rumble-bumble-tumble-weed is unprecedented. Small to medium sized farm arnimals are particularly at risk as they become entangled in Rumble-bumble-tumble-weeds complex knottyness.

Typically after being subjected to a violent onslaught victims are usually found dead on the rooftops of buildings up to five miles away.

Sometimes animals are found without their skins, and sometimes much much worse...

Person A:
I have dead animals on the roof of my house. Why?

Person B:
Hmm ok... Are the animals intact?

Person A:

The chickens look fine, the pigs and the cow have no legs and no faces.

Person B:
Hmm. Was it windy last night?

Person A:
Yes. Very.

Person B:
Ah ha!

Person A:

Person B:
Twas the Rumble-bumble-tumble-weed!

by PsuedoPhilosopher October 27, 2011

4šŸ‘ 2šŸ‘Ž

rumble bumble

When ur lying in silence with others and you experience a magnifyingly large rumble bumble and stank the room UP!

person 1: *rumble bumble*
person 2: *walks in, smells* AYO!! Who TAFAQCK JJYST DID A RUMBLE BUMBLE when iā€™m SOooOo BUSYYyyY

by QwErTyBeNcH May 20, 2023