Slang term for juvenile detention center.
My little cousin went to baby jail for shoplifting.
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Slang term for a crib or playpen.
My son would not stop throwing his toys around, so i put him in baby jail.
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The place where you can put a baby if he/she is being bad.
Aka: Pack-N-Play
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When you get pregnant or get a woman pregnant by accident and so you have to pay for the baby forever, you cannot escape.
Fuck that! I'm wearing a condom I don't wanna Baby Jail
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When you get soft-locked in Super Mario 64, i.e. getting stuck in a spot that you can't move or escape but also can't die and you have to quit out of the game. Shoutouts to SimpleFlips
Wow that Chuckya threw me into gay baby jail in the wall. First try, idiot.
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Popularized by Twitch streamer Simpleflips, Gay Baby Jail is a spot in a game where you are softlocked and unable to leave. This extends to not being able to die, forcing you to load an old save file or just turn off the game.
I've been stuck in Gay Baby Jail for 2 hours because I don't want to go back to my old save.
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A softlock in Mario 64 rom hacks where the only way out is to restart the game. Most of the time this is unintentional and is caused by developer oversight or general laziness. However, despite this, according to the twitch streamer who popularized this term, SimpleFlips, "Gay baby jail has never been a tangible location, its always been apart of you. A state of mind, a state of being. Solids, liquids, gases, gay. baby. jail."
Then I saw my dad, he was looking really mad. He said im about to make you pay, im about to make you gay. Youre gonna start spinning when I grab your tail, so get ready for gay baby jail.
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