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right back at you

the same to you

aka right back atcha
aka back atcha

"Have a good one"
"Right back at you, Jon"

"Go screw your dog, asshole"
"Back atcha, punk!"

by anna_bond January 12, 2008

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Back to you, guys.

A retort used to follow up a useless, random, or obvious comment, indicating the users total lack of interest in said comment.

Alluding to news reporters sending a story back to the newsroom.

Mike: Man, the grass out here is really green.
Brandon: Back to you, guys.

by BrandonMannn April 15, 2012

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Gweet back to you

To 'Get back to you' via twitter, in the form of a tweet.

Stacy: @DebLovesGS Hey the party's tonight...you coming?

Deb: @StacyXOXO I'll gweet back to you after I have decided.

by Mr Twit September 12, 2010

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Right back at you buckaroo

When someone roasts you with a joke but actually you did it before him.

Boy 2: Right back at you buckaroo!

by A nerd stick November 25, 2019

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it's all coming back to you

the slogan used by Boomerang from Cartoon Network, from launch, up to its shitty 2015 rebrand.

"Boomerang, it's all coming back to you!"

by MindsEyeTHPS November 26, 2017

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I'll get back to you on that one

A phrase often used to indicate to you that:
1. The person has absolutely no idea what you just said.
2. You are a complete loser and the other person just does not want to talk to you.
3. Is trying to avoid the question.

Did you hear our professor's ludicrous rant on the consequences of mal-formed subprime mortgate ratings?
-Uh, I'll get back to you on that one.

Hey man, wanna go somewhere?
-I'll get back to you on that one.

Hey, where's that 10 bucks I lent you the other day?
-I'll get back to you on that one.

by DanLi February 18, 2010

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i'll get back to you

Polite euphemism for 'Fuck Off or 'Never Gonna Happen'

The interviewer told me, "I'll get back to you". I'm never gonna fucking here from that bitch.

by jballa32 June 18, 2015

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