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back to the future 2

The 2nd, and worst in an otherwise entertaining trilogy. An overhyped and disappointing film with no endeering qualities. This film is adored in the Frosting community.

Sim: That Back To The Future 2 film is amazing, a work of genuis!

Teb: What? its obviously rubbish and nowhere near as good as the superior part 3. They saved the best till last! Flying skateboards my arse.

by Belding October 11, 2006

16👍 56👎

back to the future part 2

A worthy successor of Back to the future which is one of the best films ever. somehow it spawned the horror that was Back to the future part 3

Dave: Did you see Back to the future part 2?

Earl: You bet I did! Best future ever! Part 3 sucks ass, though

by xXx_MLGPRO_xXx October 27, 2015