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bad look

Used discribe an unpleasant sitiation that one could possibly be caught in. Or to discribe anothers appearent bad situation.

"If james catches me in here with his girl it would be a bad look."

"If he puts that beat on his album it would be a bad look for his career"

by M. Jones March 9, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

bad look

adj.//defn: used to describe anything in which someone may feel looks/feels bad.

"Yea, this bad look"

by kylemulhern January 20, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bad look

As in the polar opposite of a good look. A negative comment or action.

"Bad lookin' out"
"That's a bad look"

by Kelleigh Augustine September 5, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Not bad looking

Ugly; Term is often used by people as to not hurt the feelings of the person they are talking about; term usually is used by females to describe males they are talking about, but can be used to describe females as well. Males rarely use this term to describe other males.

Example 1: (Sam talking to his female friend, Alicia about a girl he likes)

Sam: I asked a girl out to lunch today, but she hasn't gotten back with me like she said she would. Maybe she thinks I'm ugly and doesn't like me.

Alicia: You're not ugly; I saw your picture and you're not bad looking.

What Alicia is really trying to say is that her friend Sam IS ugly, but doesn't want to hurt his feelings.

Example 2: (Steve and Mike talking)

Steve: Hey Mike, some girl told me I'm not bad looking today. Does you think she likes me?

Mike: Hell no dude give it up, she thinks you're ugly!

by Avu26 March 6, 2009

42๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

People who say they look bad to get the other person annoyed and earn a free compliment

going out there

I see u

Well not really BUT! its true

People who say they look bad to get the other person annoyed and earn a free compliment Example
Girl "I look terrible"
Boy " No you dont"

by StephenFuckedItUp(AGAIN) October 31, 2022

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

You don't want YOU to look bad

I know I say "It begins and ends with THIS" a lot...

Hym "But on some level you have to know that THAT is what this is, right? You don't want YOU to look bad... YOU KNOW... That based on the things I've said I don't give a shit about looking bad... But this does that to YOU... So YOU need to sabotage this... You need to reframe what is happening... You need to lie... Because if suceed... Then maybe these fuck-ass YouTubers really aren't shit... Maybe they suck ass and balls... Why would progressive online media... Shield conservatives they consider fascists... From the reputational damage I would inflict upon them? Why would they defend these people with their silence? If it because they're liars? They're lying? They don't actually care about the things they claim to care about? That it's like WWE for them? They're... Pretending? That has to be strange as a viewer and a fan right? As a matter of perspective, you are watching them pull robs off the rib-pig along side your influencer and you both claimed that if you lost it would be the last time you have the chance. Now Trump is going to implement policy to get rid of DEI and Trans shit and who's fault is it that that is happening to you? I mean, he only had 51% of the vote. It wouldn't have taken much to turn the tides... So... Did they alienate somebody? Did you need like 1% of the people to vote for you? Did you need a way to tarnish the credibility of the conservatives? Did you HAVE a way of doing that? Why didn't you do it?"

by Hym Iam December 14, 2024

Bad Looks Pickleball

Bad Looks Pickleball- To be embarrassed so badly that the only way to describe the immeasurable amount of aura loss is "BAD LOOKS PICKLEBALL".


by Tripleyoshi January 15, 2025