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An extremely shitty and evil human being who makes a living off of scams, lies, and fake charities. His insane unpopularity skyrocketed even further after his fake speedrun of Super Mario Bros was famously taken apart in a video simply titled "The worst fake speedrun on Youtube" by Karl Jobst.

His fake speedrun is basically several other legitimate former world record speedruns all spliced together, with a fake heart rate monitor and some of the worst acting you'll ever see in your entire life. And it's ultimately not that impressive compared to some of the *REAL* world records.

Karl Jobst's video of Badabun's infamous fake speedrun caused a lot of people around the world to realize what a horrible person Badabun actually was. It was already well-known in his home country, but now pretty much everyone in the world hates him...and rightfully so. Prior to the removal of dislikes, Badabun's fake speedrun had an overwhelmingly negative like/dislike ratio. It also has less views than the video exposing him.

To quote one of the comments on the Jobst's exposing video: "Honesty always wins in the end."

by Someone who kinda exists December 26, 2022