Rough translation from Javanese (Indonesian): Father Father is sad, seconds detong kale. This is a nonsense phrase used by Rosaldo Jetkhalis and Khasdeidi. The words "bapak bapak" and "detik detong" are meant to be swapped out for other words. This is so the phrase can be used to communicate something to someone else discreetly. If anyone else tries to listen in, they won't understand. If you say this with enough conviction and confidence, "ini sedih" and "kangkung" will be enough to throw any eavesdroppers off your case. If you want to really drive the point home, you can add the phrase: "Edå bañak air mani" at the end of your sentence to make sure only your intended target gets your message. (Translation: There is a lot of semen) Again, total nonsense. Just maybe don't say this in Bali. You're gonna get some weird looks.
Bapak Bapak ini sedih; detik detong kangkung
Example 1: "Meet after school ini sedih; I have something for you kangkung".
Example 2: Geekbar geekbar ini sedih; call me detong kangkung. Edå bañak air mani!"