A terrorist who has delusions of grandeur who is abusing power. A person who pretends they are the opposite sex to act like they got
A cheap date …
A low IQ plagiarist who is cheap self indulgent and doesn’t care about anything else but themselves as a walking stereotype.
Look Alan is the worst baphokike with his insurance scams and he is not even a licensed dr .
Listen that life insurance policy is going to be the most effective way to catch a baphokike who scammed your brother…
A stupid person who is an atheist playing a negative Jewish stereotype who is a stalking creepy weirdo who is not even remotely smart enough to be a human being who thinks he’s an intelligent man. This is stalker
Ira drank blood and thinks he is a baphomet but he went full Baphokike
Sam as a total Baphokike when he complained outside crate and barrel driving property values down on the magnificent mile .