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a Baptiste is someone who is very caring, kind and loving, but quite closed at the same time. Normally good boyfriends. This type of person is also renowned in bed and is an amazing catch.

The male version of an Elinor.

my boyfriend is such a Baptiste, i swear it's amazing

by handlecakes October 7, 2016

235๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


The reason I have to drive 30 miles to buy liquor. Also the reason I can't buy liquor on Sundays.

I'd love to live in a city not run by Baptists so that I don't have to drive to the ghetto to buy liquor.

by floodland January 10, 2007

506๐Ÿ‘ 262๐Ÿ‘Ž


Part of a Christian movement relating to protestant Christianity. Baptist emphasise Believers Baptism, ie accepting God as saviour and Lord and being dunked in a pool of water in front of hundreds of people. In the late 1990s, there were about 43 million Baptists worldwide with about 33 million in the United States.

Baptists often form working groups, ie Southern Baptist Alliance, to support each other. There is also a Baptist World Alliance which is chaired by Rev. David Coffey

He is part of the Baptist family

by David Bunce July 27, 2005

279๐Ÿ‘ 149๐Ÿ‘Ž


A member of one of several hundred Christian denominations who all agree that the the Bible is the literal word of God, but don't agree with each other. See fundamentalist, fucktard

Q. What religion are you, Reformed Baptist?
A. No, they're going to Hell(tm). I'm a Sovergn Grace Baptist.

by Cuntoleezza Rice November 10, 2006

630๐Ÿ‘ 409๐Ÿ‘Ž


A protestant denomination which bileves in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, through faith and not works. Baptist bileve in baptism by submersion, and they take The Great Commission very seriously.

A person who is a member of the baptist denomination

by UOE October 24, 2007

134๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


A variation of the Christian religion, it is common in the United States in an area known as the Bible Belt, which covers all of the Deep South. Baptists claim that they are the original church, started by John the Baptist, but this is untrue. The Baptist religion, like all other variations of Christianity, exists only because of Martin Luther, who instituted the much needed Reformation during a time of great corruption in the Catholic Church.

Baptists beleive that heaven is reached through, of course, baptism, and deep faith in Jesus Christ. They are know for their aggressive recruiting of new followers and almost militant approach to people who challenge their beleifs or do not fit their ideals. They are almost competitive with other religions in their attempts to gain followers.

Their Churches are usually large and impressive, and the bigger ones are well funded, or privately owned.

Baptist children will ask you if you beleive in Jesus Christ, and may tell you that you are going to Hell if you say no. They tend to completely accept their parents opinions without question.

And discussion with a Baptist about religion will most likely turn into an arguement about the fate of your soul, who will probably be heading downstairs, in their opinion.

Baptists also tend to make a great fuss about such topics as birth control, abortion, war, and the death penalty. They usually refuse to hear anyone else's veiwpoint on these issues and will frequently use the name of God to justify their ignorant opinions. They tend to be hypocritical on these issues and become flustered when proven wrong.

Baptist: Accept Jesus into your heart as your savior!!
Some Guy: Bitch, I'm Catholic.

Baptist: Let's bomb an abortion clinic and then go kill those heretics in Iraq!
Some Guy: Whatever happened to 'Thou shalt not kill?'

Baptist: Let's pass a law against birth control and abortion!
Some Girl: So... what are you gonna do if you daughter gets pregnant?
Baptist: Oh, well, we'll have the doctor take care of it.
Some Girl: That's not gonna happen if birht control is ILLEGAL. Idiot.
Baptist: ... You're going to hell.

by Zombie Girl July 14, 2006

286๐Ÿ‘ 252๐Ÿ‘Ž


Baptists are a very closed minded group of religious zealots
that give virtually no respect to those that disagree with their beliefs. Basically the Christian equivalent of a muslim terrorist, the members of this faith, especially of more fundamental sects, boycott the expansion of human knowledge when not in relation to religious beliefs. They take the bible literally to an extreme extent, and destroy the once good name that Christianity held. They justify themselves by claiming to be the only true followers of Christ. They favor extreme faith over logic, and border insanity.

Many Baptists throughout time can be seen committing violent acts, such as the Westboro Baptists, in relation to the boycott of American soldier funerals, and the extreme persecution and hatred of homosexuals, and Jews; basically everyone whos not a hard-core Baptist.

From a Baptists eyes: "If that boy ain't of Baptist faith I don't want him anywhere near my home"

From normal eyes: "I support the expansion of the human mind and of science and all that is logic."

by Lucas Auraleus, The Chode July 28, 2006

211๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž