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Barriage Ceremony

Barriage Ceremony is the ceremony conducted to unite a Bondage Partnership by with at least 2 individuals (referred to as Bubby & Bifey - Please see Bifey & Bubby definitions by Bifey’s Voice) through a Barriage Ceremony or also known as a Bondage Matrimony. This Barriage unification process can never be ended with a divorce and this partnership is for a lifetime or multiple lifetimes (Please see: Soulmates) in forever lasting love. (Please see: Barriage).

If you feel that: Marriage = Divorce

In a Barriage or Bondage Partnership... Well there is NO Divorce after a Bondage Matrimony (Also known as: Barriage Ceremony) has been completed.

Barriage is important process to conduct if you have been divorced at least once and you feel that marriage = divorce. So an alternative to a Marriage is a Barriage, if you & your partner (Bubby &/or Bifey) chooses to have a “Barriage Ceremony” then there is NO Divorce options available (Also Known as: Bondage Matrimony).

The “Equation” of Barriage is the following:

(Bondage - ondage = B) + (Marriage - M = arriage) = Barriage. Bubby is short for Bondage Hubby & a Bifey which is short for Bondage Wifey.

The “Equation” of Bubby & Bifey is the following:

Bubby <Gender Identifies As Male>:

(Bondage-ondage=B)+(Hubby-H =ubby)=Bubby & Bifey <Gender Identifies As Female>:

(Bondage-ondage=B)+(Wifey-W=ifey)= Bifey

(Please see definitions posted by Bifey’s Voice for the following term & definitions for: Barriage, Bubby and Bifey.)

Bill & Amanda had their Barriage Ceremony on November 28th 2015.

Their Barriage Ceremony was absolutely beautiful and we had a ton of attending the ceremony!

by Bifey’s Voice July 13, 2020