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Basement Child

1. One who spends much of his, or her, time in the basement making nitroglycerin-propelled bombs.
2. A lonely recluse.
3. A person that prefers to participate in evil acitivies when unattended, especially one that manages to perform well in academics.
4. One who has been beaten into submission as a child.

Eric: I dunno, man--we've got a lot of potential basement childs at Drew...
Jack: STFU, n00b!

by Food and Drug Administration June 26, 2003

31👍 15👎

Basement Child

see nerd and goth

Please, Billy, leave the basement and experience sunlight a little.
Billy : Nooo, I'm in the middle of a l337 CS GAME YO!

by buttsex June 27, 2003

4👍 12👎

Norwegian Basement Child

Noun: Insult: A person of extraordinarily fair skin; so called as in reference to the generally pale population of the Nordic people and added upon by the effects of long term sunlight deprivation, such as provided in a household basement.

I was playing COD and this lousy cunt no-scoped me from across the map. Fucking Norwegian basement child.

by bladnik26 July 26, 2017

4👍 1👎