It is a Town in Suffolk County, NY. It is located in the western part of Suffolk County on the South Shore. You can't miss it on a map unless you have a piece of shit of a map. It was founded in 1683. It was originally called Penataquit and Mechanicsville. Sometime in the mid-1800's it became "Bay Shore" because of the tourism industry.
It 62 % White, 20% Hispanic and 18% Black/African-American.
Note: It is a Hamlet of the "Town Of Islip".
With its diverse demographics. It has the most diverse school system ever. Both economically and ethnically.
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Bay Shore is a hamlet (and census-designated place), located in the Town of Islip, County of Suffolk County, New York, United States. Bay Shore is surrounded by West Islip, Brightwaters, and West Bay Shore to the west, Brentwood, Baywood, and Deer Park to the north, Islip to the east, and the Great South Bay and Fire Island to the south.
The racial makeup of the hamlet: 71.99% White, 17% African American, and 7% from other races. Hispanic or Latino of any race is about 19.86% of the population.
Bay Shore is rough in the north. North Bay Shore is located next to Brentwood. The schools are rated to be one of the lowest on Long Island and isnt a good place to live. West Bay Shore is particularly nice and a decent place to live. It is surrounded by parks.
Average household size:
This place: 2.8 people
New York: 2.6 people
Percentage of family households:
This place: 67.5%
Whole state: 65.7%
Percentage of households with unmarried partners:
This place: 6.4%
Whole state: 5.4%
Likely homosexual households (counted as self-reported same-sex unmarried-partner households)
* Lesbian couples: 0.5% of all households
* Gay men: 0.4% of all households
Residents with income below the poverty level in 2008:
This place: 12.2%
Whole state: 14.6%
Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level in 2008:
This place: 6.1%
Whole state: 7.4%
Bay Shore is okay in the west but rough and tough in the north
20๐ 31๐
located in suffolk county, long island. its surrounded by islip and brentwood. mostly black and hispanic, 50% or less white. plenty of gangs and 'hanging out'. probably the worst place to live next to brentwood. the schools are also rated to be the lowest on long island. urban setting and can be considered the projects in some parts.
bay shore is located in suffolk, long island
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the hood of suffolk county, long island
there is no example for bay shore
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Located on Long Island, New York. West Bay Shore and Brighwaters are great, North Bay Shore and the area just around downtown that are rough. Bay Shore schools are ranked in the bottom 5 in Suffolk according to the 2000 rankings I've seen online.
Races in Bay Shore:
* White Non-Hispanic (58.8%)
* Hispanic (19.9%)
* Black (17.2%)
* Other race (7.2%)
Bay shore is nice in the west but ghetto in the north
15๐ 31๐
Bay Shore is a hamlet on Long Island. Its one of the few "ghetto" towns in Suffolk county. It consists of mostly Black and Spanish people, some white. West Bay Shore is an OK place to live, definitely not the greatest. North Bay Shore is the slums. Overall, Bay Shore is the hood. I wouldn't be surprised if many gang members came from Bay Shore. Very few parts of it are middle to upper class, if any even. You can smell pot from around the corner. You wouldn't want to walk around outside at night, theft and violence are very common and you will often see MANY cops because of this. This may be the case in every town, but its to the extreme here and everyone is used to it. People have sex in public next to the complex's. Just not a great place to live.
Jen "Did you see all those cops by the park in Bay Shore"?
George "Yeah who cares, same old stuff as usual"
19๐ 44๐
a town in long island, and most of the kids are shitty brats
that kid from bay shore is such an asshole
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