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Because I said so!

An imperious reply that an authority figure --- most often a parent --- impatiently tells someone under his/her care when he does not wish to admit that there is literally no good/valid reason why said dependent should have to comply with the directive, but the authority figure doesn't want to admit it.

Kids are smarter than you think --- if you tell them, "Because I said so!" even just once, they will never trust your judgement again.

by QuacksO October 31, 2018

100๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Because I said so!

The answer that most parents, (mostly moms) will give their child when they dont want them to do something or go somewhere. It is said because they know the child knows they have no answer, so they will simply say, Because i said so!

Billy: "Mom c'mon, please let me stay at Ben's tonight!"
Mother:"No Billy."
Billy: "Dammit why not!"
Mother: "Because I said so!"
Billy: "That's not a answer mom!"
Mother: "I'll pick you up in a hour, bye" **click**
Billy: "FUCK!"

by MITCHELL July 12, 2005

235๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

because I said so

Some bullshit excuse yo mama use to make you do shit.

Mom: Go do them dishes. Y/N:Why? Mom:Because I said so.

by ThatRedDragon July 31, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Because I said so

An intellectually dishonest response used, usually by parents, to justify making a child comply with an ostensibly irrational directive which the child finds objectionable or in an effort to terminate an argument they find inconvenient. Anyone who makes this argument demands respect while not giving it. They will not tolerate temper tantrums while having them.

If your only reason is "because I said so" a child over a certain age should refuse to accept the reasoning. This reasoning is insulting and bullying and is only used to defend a position that makes no rational sense.

Children are capable of critical thought at a young age and usually will listen to sound argumentation.

Kid: "Mom, why should I do objectionable order?"
Mom: Just do it.
Kid: I just want to know why. It doesn't make sense.
Mom: Because I said so.
Kid: I know what you said, I just want valid reasons.
Mom: Because I said so.
Kid: You're being intellectually dishonest.
Mom: Flips out.

by March 30, 2023

Because I Said So

A parents way of saying, "Ask me again. I fucking dare you."

Kid: Why can't I go to my friend's house tonight?
Mom: Because

Kid: Why
Mom: Because I said so!

A smart kid stops the argument and keeps their mouth shut after this has been said.

by SmartAssKidSaysStupidStuff October 29, 2015

30๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

Because I said so

A thought-terminating clichรฉ used by authoritarian parents to suppress disobedience and critical thinking in children. Often most seen in Asian parents.

Child: Can I get a switch for my 14th birthday? All my friends have one and I wanna play with them at recess

Parent: No. No fun allowed in school, only study.
Child: But why?!
Parent: Because I said so!!!
Some guy sitting next to them in public: *slow claps* Wow! What an answer! I'm sure your child is totally going to believe that one!

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian November 25, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Because I said so

An annoying term mostly used by parents when they donโ€™t want their kid oing something thatโ€™s perfectly fine but the parent has no logical explanation why they donโ€™t want them doing it, but doesnโ€™t want to admit it

John: mom shook is done and billies my only rid

Mom: no your not going with billy

John: Why the hell not?



Mom: Iโ€™ll be there to pick you up in 45 โ€”beepโ€”


by Xidiocyx June 19, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž