The term for a guy who's a little bit of a pretentious dumbass.
Typically someone who's the human incarnate of the nerd emoji, he's a mummy's boy who lives off of sarcasm, monster energy drinks and Little Butter biscuits.
Despite seeming like a total loser, this guy is actually really funny and a nice friend :)
Guy 1: I soooo won that fight last night.
Guy 2: WeLl AcTuAlLy, AcCoRdInG tO mY cAlCuLaTiOnS-
Guy 1: OMFG shut up you speccy beccy!
Guy 2: womp womp :(
Beccy speccy is a nickname to vent to a girl who is genuinely lovely but once you get to know them but they look scary and tend to be tall, beccy speccy loves to have a good bifferoo to calm down after a long day
Oh my god look she’s definitely a Beccy speccy