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A student at Beloit College, usually having the reputation of being unattractive, geeky, and extremely liberal.

1. Only a Beloiter would LARP after getting drunk at a party.
2. If you can't name at least three Joss Whedon works, you're not a true Beloiter.

by amelie333 January 5, 2011

12πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


1) The sound of crap splashing into a river.
2) A very poor, stagnant, small industrial town located centrally between Chicago, Milwaukee, Rockford IL, and Madison WI.

Ever seen green river water... I have, in Beloit. And it smells too.

by Rocker-in Roller Man October 13, 2003

164πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž


The city called the ass-crack of Wisconsin. Filled with wannabe-gangs, drugs, violence and all-around idiocy.

"We went to Chicago but drove right around Beloit instead of going through it. I don't feel like replacing any more windows."

by Angelica October 3, 2004

151πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž


Beloit: A small county on the border of Wisconsin filled with a bunch of rich, snobby, ignorant people, where everyone has a Juul and swears they created just about every trend. Filled with a bunch of self-absorbed ugly teenage girls who swear they’re Instagram models, and f-boys who swear their penis is longer than 4 inches. A place you wouldn’t stay if you wanted to find a fun place to hang out with friends because there isn’t anything to do. Also a place filled with a bunch of petty people who can’t mibd their own business

I will never visit Beloit again.

by A Person Who Wants to Die March 7, 2019

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


greatest city on earth, only haters will speak bad about

man ima check in at beloit, u no c whats happenin, just hope i dont get robbed again--i want my pokemon cards back bytch!!!!

by 2kwik December 9, 2003

138πŸ‘ 161πŸ‘Ž


A liberal arts college with the reputation of having ugly females with massive amounts of bodyhair. A gathering of the most unattractive women from across America.

An adjective, meaning ugly, strange, bizzare, "unique."

God damn it, Beloit!

That girl is so Beloit, I want to vomit.

by Thrilla in Vanilla November 24, 2004

176πŸ‘ 233πŸ‘Ž


Anything, everything, and nothing all at the same time.

Man1 : Dude did you see the giant Beloit on that chick?
Man 2: Yeah dude I'd tap that.


Man1: Dude it smells like Beloit in here.
Man 2 : Yeah you should really light a match next time.


Man 1: I got my Beloit all over that girls back.
Man 2: Yeah you really super mand that ho.

by oldgregg_26 August 6, 2009

30πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž