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Ben Hill

when you stick your penis inside a girl/guys butt and pee in it and leave

Excuse me miss may I Ben Hill you

by Father Flocka February 22, 2010

30πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Ben hill middle school

A crackhead school where stupid thots walk around breaking their backs n guys walk around with their pants down to their fucking ankles. The teachers their don’t know how do their jobs and the guidence counsalers suck at everything. Their trying to poison u their the only good thing is mr mason bc he is the best principle ever

Ben hill middle school is a crackhead

by Nd fr fhfjr August 7, 2019

27πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ben Hill

White hillbilly bogan from Innisfail Queensland. Normally starts his day with a crack pipe before hammering some nails into timber house frames at the crack of dawn

Oi Ben hill ya crackhead get off the glass bbq it’s 5am.

by Bossjun April 24, 2020