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Benny Rule

A regulation invoked by a baseball team to automatically win an on-the-field dispute.

Named after Peck League legend Ben Nadado, the Benny Rule originated when the aforementioned Nadado was involved in a home plate collision. Nadado, the catcher, received the throw and applied the tag. The runner adamantly argued that he was safe. Nadado, understandably, argued otherwise. While representatives from both teams began to discuss the call, Nadado (or Benny, as he was affectionately called) removed his catcher's gear and ran off the playing field. His team followed suit and the 'Out' call stood.

And thus, the Benny Rule was born.

Player A: "What the fuck, why did they just run off the field? He was safe!"

Player B: "I know, we just got Benny Rule'd."

by GAS Captain April 16, 2010