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bible conference

originally derived from the Greek bottomus numbius, a bible conference is a series of church meetings held every evening, with the entire conference typically lasting an entire week. technically, in order to be considered a true bible conference, the Greek word agape must be defined at least twice by every speaker in the conference. the only case in which this requirement is waived is if one of the speakers has cerebral palsy.

in the event that the speaker with cerebral palsy defines the word agape more than once in a sermon, that conference is then referred to as a Super Bible Conference, and revival is required to break out at that church for a period of no less than one business week, after which, church operations should continue as normal.

milo: dude, you wanna come to a bible conference?
teddy: probably not.
milo: David Ring is gonna be there...
teddy: oh why didn't you say so!

by Teddy Milo April 3, 2007

2👍 9👎

harvey cedars bible conference

HCBC. The only bible conference on the island. The summer staff being 100% sunshine and rainbows and all the guys have hooked up with all the girls. Everybody knows everybody. you want drama? see the girls dorm. wanna see guys betting to shower with one another? go see the guys dorm. adventure awaites with catching the shuttle every 15 minutes and countless wawa trips. catch us at mercer road to the beach to see at least 3 staff members making out or passed out. anything's possible at hcbc. why do we stick around for being underpayed and having curfew? anne.

harvey cedars bible conference is a place where christ finds people and changes lives.

by hiyoudontknowwhoiamlol March 17, 2017

9👍 1👎