"Biden Blame Syndrome (BBS) is the tendency to disproportionately blame President Biden for various issues, regardless of his involvement or responsibility. Those affected by BBS often use Biden as a convenient scapegoat, overlooking other contributing factors or individuals who may be truly at fault. This syndrome manifests even when Biden is entirely blameless, demonstrating a fixation on attributing responsibility to him at all costs. In some cases, individuals may experience BBS reflexively to shield the actual culprits from accountability.
Coined on March 30th, 2024, by @TheNewOption_ on Twitter.
"Biden Blame Syndrome strikes again: blaming Biden for the Eagles' loss, as if he's some kind of conspiracy mastermind!"
"BBS strikes again: blaming Biden for the Eagles' loss, as if he's some kind of conspiracy mastermind!"
Biden Blame Syndrome (BBS) is an inclination to disproportionately blame President Biden for a range of issues, regardless of his actual involvement. Those with BBS often fixate on Biden as a convenient scapegoat, attributing undue blame to him even when other factors or individuals are more responsible
Blaming Biden for greedflation? Classic case of Biden Blame Syndrome right there.