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The instance of having TWO wives.

the clue is in the Prefix 'Bi' - meaning two.
Having multiple wives is known as 'Polygamy' - not Bigamy

When John married Lisa, he was still legally married to Danielle, even though they were separated. Therefore John had committed Bigamy by marrying Lisa

by DutchCappedCrusader May 30, 2015

18👍 2👎


/noun/ -- The practice of fruadulently marrying more than one spouse

John married Jane without divorcing Mary and is thus guilty of the crime of Bigamy

by Ronald A.King November 19, 2005

50👍 21👎


Bigamy is defined as having one wife too many.

See monogamy.

He practiced bigamy. He had one wife too many.

by Gandalf2349 December 20, 2005

36👍 16👎


A kind of awkward word for your last name to derive from if you're a girl.

Jacklyn: Hello! I'm Jacklyn Bigam!
Random person: Bigam...? As in...?
Jacklyn: Bigamy. Yes. Shut up now.

by Bobert (Imma girl) December 6, 2006

11👍 22👎

financial bigamy

An inclusive term for paying financially, physically, mentally to upkeep you ex wife and current wifes way of life

Jake: poor bubba, mans gotta work two jobs

joe: ouch
Jake: well hes gotta pay for his wife and his ex wifes credit cards. told him to he shoulda got that devoirce
joe: is that what you call financial bigamy in a nutshell

by Theamazinggeek May 10, 2017